Cathy Fowler

Cuchara, CO 81055
Inspired by the presence of angels at a young age, Cathy has been creating her healing Angels for over thirty years. Her earliest memory of an angel sighting was when she was four, and the angels have been inspiring her ever since. Her creations are the physical expression of what she has felt her whole life.
Initially inspired by a photo of a petroglyph in New Mexico, the simplicity of her design represents the Spirit of Loving (SOL).
This SOL helps open the one's heart and encourages beliefs that:
-You can heal yourself.
-Nothing is impossible.
-Everything works out for the best.
Cathy was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of seven.
"There have been challenges, but the rewards of my experiences have been immeasurable. All my life, at different times, I will experience very real moments like those experienced with psilosyphen. Moments of clarity, a voice I have called 'Spirit Voice', offers thoughts to help me strive to live a reality of kindness."
Each Angel is individually crafted, one at a time, and has its own unique healing power.
Since the '60s, Cathy spent summers with her family in Cuchara. She and her artist/husband, Roger, built their home and studio in LaVeta in 2017. The Fowlers are treasured artists and highly valued members of the La Veta community.